
old books on a shelf detail for resources page banner

Contents (On This Page)

Conferences and Organizations
Teaching Resources
Web Design
Site Credits

Access Apps

CamFind App: visual search technology
TapTapSee App: voice identification of photographed objects


DMAC does not endorse any particular platform or company over another; rather, the following list is offered in the spirit of adapting to the hardware and software affordances of particular institutional and local contexts.

Aptana Studio: website design
Audacity: audio composition
Audacity Manual: using Audacity for audio editing/composition
Audacity MP3 Encoder: export MP3 files
Camtasia: screen recording and video composition
Comic Life: graphic composition
Data Visualization Tools: data visualization (list)
Dreamweaver: website design
easelly: infographic design
Elements: image and video manipulation
Evernote: notetaking and word processing
Final Cut Pro: video composition
GarageBand: audio composition
Gephi: data and network visualization
GIMP: image manipulation
Google Keep: notetaking
Handbrake: adding captions to video files (instructions [PDF])
Insights from a DMAC participant: Ashanka Kumari, “A Reflection and Step-by-Step Process of Using Open-Source Software to Closed Caption Video” (DMAC 2016)
iMovie: video composition
KeepVid: streaming video downloader
MovieCaptioner: video captioning
oXygen: XML editor
Photoshop: image manipulation
Picasa: image manipulation and sharing
Pixlr: image manipulation and composition
Prezi: presentations
Pro Tools: audio composition
Scalar: multimedia scholarly projects
Scriviner: notetaking and word processing
Storify: social media aggregator
SIMILE Project: timelines
SoundCloud: online audio hosting
Squarespace: website design
ThingLink: image and video annotation
Timeglider: timelines
Timeline JS: timelines
Windows Movie Maker: video composition
Wix: website design
WordPress: website design


UM Press/Sweetland Publication Prize in Digital Rhetoric

We are pleased to announce the call for submissions for the UM Press/Sweetland Publication Prize in Digital Rhetoric. The prize, which is funded by the Sweetland Center for Writing, is awarded to an innovative and important book-length project that displays critical and rigorous engagement in the field of digital rhetoric. These projects should be born-digital or substantially digitally enhanced, and they should be completed or very near completion.

Eligible projects will be peer reviewed, with the prize recipient determined by the DRC advisory board and directors. The advisory board members are Jonathan Alexander (University of California, Irvine), Cheryl Ball (West Virginia University), Kristine Blair (Bowling Green State University), Douglas Eyman (George Mason University), Troy Hicks (Central Michigan University), Derek Mueller (Eastern Michigan University), Jentery Sayers (University of British Columbia), and Melanie Yergeau (University of Michigan). The directors are Anne Ruggles Gere and Naomi Silver, and the assistant director is Simone Sessolo (University of Michigan).

For consideration, authors should provide by email a portfolio including the prospectus and full manuscript for the completed project. The prospectus should provide the following information: a description of the goals, intended audience, and significance; and an explanation of technical requirements, feasibility, and long-term sustainability. The full manuscript should include all digital materials (manuscript and materials can be submitted as a url). We also ask that authors provide a recent CV.

Please send submissions to Mary Francis, Editorial Director for the University of Michigan Press, and the DRC directors, using this email address: [email protected].
The prize is open to scholars of all ranks, though preference is for first and single-author projects of younger scholars. A prize of $5000 will be awarded, along with an advance contract for publication in the series. The recipient will be announced on the DRC, U-M Press, and Sweetland websites, and at Computers and Writing.

General Guidelines for Prospectus Submission to the Digital Rhetoric Collaborative
The Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative publishes texts that investigate the multiliteracies of digitally mediated spaces both within academia as well as other contexts. We encourage discussions that include but are not limited to topics such as:

  • new convergences and economies;
  • shifting ideologies and politics;
  • global contexts and multilingual discourses;
  • reconstructions of race, class, gender, sexuality, and (dis)ability;
  • emerging theories and technologies; and
  • reconfigured divisions and connections within these spaces.

We encourage born-digital as well as substantially digitally enhanced submissions of book-length scope — in the form of collections, monographs, or teaching materials of varying genres — that engage with digital rhetoric’s histories and futures; its border-fields and transdisciplines; its ethics and aesthetics; its materialities, networks, praxes and pedagogies.

Reviewers and series editors will consider the following criteria when evaluating submissions. Strong submissions will:

  • demonstrate informed awareness of relevant literature, models and/or practices;
  • define and develop emerging issues and perspectives;
  • provide a significant contribution to the field;
  • offer an analytic, creative, or critical contribution to the field;
  • be original, provocative, or groundbreaking;
  • employ innovative formats and technology appropriate to the subject;
  • enhance understanding of the relationship of form to content and of design to meaning;
  • be feasible and sustainable.

Final publication will be contingent on positive external reviews and approval by the Executive Board of the University of Michigan Press. The Press and MPublishing, the University’s center for scholarly publishing, are dedicated to publishing innovative work in digital rhetoric.
Additional points to consider in preparing submissions.

Conferences and Organizations

Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
Center for Digital Storytelling
Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities @ Loyola Chicago
Computers and Writing
Conference on College Composition and Communication
Council of Writing Program Administrators
Digital Media Project @ OSU
Digital Rhetorics and Digital Humanities @ IU
Digital Union @ OSU
Electronic Literature Organization
The Humanities and Technology Camp (THATcamp)
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
National Council of Teachers of English
Rhetorical Composing MOOC @ OSU
Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative
TechRhet Listserv
Thomas Watson Conference @ Louisville


Center for Media and Social Impact
Copyright Laws and Fair Use: A Handout by Crystal VanKooten (CC-BY)
Creative Commons Search
Documentary Filmmakers’ Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use
Internet Archive
Prelinger Archives
Public Domain Music
Reporter’s Recording Guide
Wikimedia Commons
YouTube and Creative Commons


Curating Your Digital Identity
David Carr’s Syllabus
Traci Gardner’s “Ten Ways to Use Digital Tools in the Writing Classroom”


A Brief History of DMAC @ The Writing Instructor
College Composition and Communication
Composition Studies
Computers and Composition
Computers and Composition Digital Press
Computers and Composition Online
Currents in Electronic Literacy
Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives
Digital Humanities Now
Digital Humanities Quarterly
Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion
Hybrid Pedagogy
Journal of Digital Humanities
Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy
Showcasing the Best of CIWIC/DMAC
The Writing Instructor


Teaching Resources

Cynthia Selfe, Digital Media Composing (Fall 2014)

Cynthia Selfe, Documenting Community Literacies (iTunes University)

This iTunes University course focuses on documenting and preserving the literacies of communities through personal literacy narratives. We invite people to take the materials from this project (handouts, syllabus, assignments) and adapt them for their own community literacy projects or to use them in alternative versions of this course taught at other colleges, universities, communities—providing appropriate attribution to this iTunes project.
In the project, we describe why first-hand narratives are useful vehicles for documenting the literacies of a community, and we offer a blueprint for working with community members: helping people record their first-hand accounts about reading and composing, talking about, the roles such activities play in their lives, and for preserving these narratives in the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN) at <>.
Erin Kathleen Bahl, Digital Media Composing (Spring 2015)
Trey Conatser, Plagues, Epidemics, and Outbreaks in Literature and Culture (Fall 2015)
Katherine DeLuca, Digital Media Composing (Autumn 2012)
Corey Efron, Digital Media Composing (Spring 2016)
Torsa Ghosal, Digital Media Composing (Spring 2014)
Ryan P. Shepherd, Teaching Portfolio

Web Design

Dreamweaver Tutorial
HTML Tutorial
Google Charts
Google Fusion Tables
HTML5 Bookmarks
jQuery UI Javascript Library
A List Apart
Lynda Tutorials
Sitepoint Tutorials
Stack Overflow Q+A Boards
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials
Web Monkey

Site Credits

Cresswell, Scott. “Just a face in the crowd.” CC-BY-2.0. (participants page banner)
darkbuffet. “db_4396.” CC-BY-2.0. (registration page banner)
East India Company. “A list of the names of all the adventurers…” Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. (front page “registration” feature banner)
Jefferson, Howard. “Columbus stitch 01.” CC-BY-2.0. (accommodations page banner)
jemartin03. “Detail of the shelves, Long Room, Trinity College.” CC-BY-2.0. (resources page banner)
Metzdorf, Patrick. “Vintage Camera 1.” CC-BY-2.0. (front page “about” feature banner)
Remps, Domemico. “Cabinet of Curiosities.” Public Domain. (front page “showcase” feature banner and showcase page detail)
Turner, Lindsey. “now that’s a schedule!CC-BY-2.0. (schedule page banner)

Special thanks to Damian Doyle, Amy Goodloe, Sheila Carter-Todd, and Beth Bensen-Barber for appearing in photos as part of the home page banner and the about page banner!