Showcasing the Best of CIWIC/DMAC: Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Digital Environments is the official publication of the Digital Media and Composition (DMAC) Institute, which has been held annually since 2006 at The Ohio State University under the direction of Cynthia Selfe and Scott DeWitt. We publish multimodal essays that speak to innovative approaches to digital teaching, learning, and professional development that have been informed by DMAC and its predecessor CIWIC (Computers in Writing-Intensive Classrooms, held at Michigan Technological University in Houghton from 1985 to 2005).
These essays take advantage of a range of mediated elements and approaches, and explore genres beyond the traditional scholarly print article. Showcasing the Best of CIWIC/DMAC was launched in late 2014 with print and online issues of Computers and Composition to celebrate CIWIC/DMAC’s 30th anniversary.
Click here for the Showcasing website.